

  Neuroscience courses cover a wide range of topics, spanning from sensory perception to mental illness, animal cognition, and artificial intelligence.


  While there will be some required classes, you will also have flexibility to choose electives in the areas of neuroscience you are most interested in. Keep in mind that you will have to complete more hard science courses than you would as a Psychology major. If that doesn’t appeal to you, Psych might be a better option.


  Students who succeed in neuroscience courses typically have strong memorization skills, can synthesize complex information, and know how to self-advocate. As a neuroscience major, you will have to remember details like what certain neurotransmitters do, which ions open which channels, and the functions of various neural networks.


  Neuroscience is also a rapidly growing field, and the research does not always point to an obvious answer. Particularly in more advanced classes, your professors will expect you to draw your own conclusions from contradictory data. Additionally, neuroscience classes are typically on the larger side, so you should feel confident identifying points of confusion and reaching out to the professor on your own, since you will receive less individual attention than you would in some other majors.


  Because you can take neuroscience classes on many different topics, you will also be able to utilize your degree in just about any field. Some of the classes that will likely be required, such as behavioral neuroscience or social cognition, will teach you skills that apply to a wide range of jobs, from business to social work.


  Neuroscience is also a popular major for pre-meds, along with chemistry and biology. You will still have to take classes in these other departments to fulfill your requirements, but majoring in neuroscience will give you a solid knowledge base going into med school.

